Thursday, August 30, 2012

Sherlock Moment

I love having Sherlock moments.  As in "I'm just as smart as Sherlock Holmes because I figured something out" moments.  They're the best.  So, I decided to buy a bike for college, because I want to be one of those cool kids that ride their bikes everywhere, because walking is soo overrated. So since I bought a bike, I needed to get one of those handy dandy bike lock things.  Because I do not want some scallywag hipster stealing my bike and pretending like they're the cool kid.  No, that's me who will be the cool kid.  Anyways, back to the bike lock.  So this bike lock is one of those pimped-out locks that uses LETTERS instead of numbers.  Awesome. I know.  So I'm trying to set it according to the directions, and the word they gave me DIDN'T WORK.  This obviously meant that someone messed with it at the store, and I was NEVER going to open it! EVER! And thus starts my mini freakout session which consisted of pulling my hair out and eating an entire package of Oreos. Then I came back to reality and tried all the four-letter word expletives.  No success.  I then remembered that people have names! What is a very popular four-letter name?? MIKE. I twisted that lock, and then voila!! SUCCESS.  I have concluded from this experience that I am the modern-day Sherlock, and Robert Downey Jr. should watch his back. ;) ha!

P.S. Needless to say, MIKE is not the combination anymore.  I have changed it, and if anyone finds it out and decides to steal my bike, I will run after them calling them a "scallywag hipster," and I will be swinging my old lady cane.

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