Thursday, August 30, 2012

Sherlock Moment

I love having Sherlock moments.  As in "I'm just as smart as Sherlock Holmes because I figured something out" moments.  They're the best.  So, I decided to buy a bike for college, because I want to be one of those cool kids that ride their bikes everywhere, because walking is soo overrated. So since I bought a bike, I needed to get one of those handy dandy bike lock things.  Because I do not want some scallywag hipster stealing my bike and pretending like they're the cool kid.  No, that's me who will be the cool kid.  Anyways, back to the bike lock.  So this bike lock is one of those pimped-out locks that uses LETTERS instead of numbers.  Awesome. I know.  So I'm trying to set it according to the directions, and the word they gave me DIDN'T WORK.  This obviously meant that someone messed with it at the store, and I was NEVER going to open it! EVER! And thus starts my mini freakout session which consisted of pulling my hair out and eating an entire package of Oreos. Then I came back to reality and tried all the four-letter word expletives.  No success.  I then remembered that people have names! What is a very popular four-letter name?? MIKE. I twisted that lock, and then voila!! SUCCESS.  I have concluded from this experience that I am the modern-day Sherlock, and Robert Downey Jr. should watch his back. ;) ha!

P.S. Needless to say, MIKE is not the combination anymore.  I have changed it, and if anyone finds it out and decides to steal my bike, I will run after them calling them a "scallywag hipster," and I will be swinging my old lady cane.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Moving on ♥

I LOVE that feeling when I'm swinging on the swings, and I just close my eyes, and it feels like I'm flying.  I have no care in the world, and I don't even care if I look silly with my eyes closed while I'm swinging my hardest (cause of course you can't fly until you're super high, and yes, I mean in the air.) It's times like these that I miss being a kid. Not only because I fit so mush easier in the swing cause of my pencil thin legs, but I used to be so carefree!  Ahhhhh it was great! I mean the biggest decision I had to make was what to play at recess. Like should I run around swinging sticks in attempts of re-enacting Star Wars OR should I dig a hole to China in the sand box?  These were big decisions for little me.  Now I have decisions to make about college and what I'm going to do for the THE REST OF MY LIFE.  It can be pretty stressful.  I mean, I wish I had life figured out, but that's kind of a lot to ask of a teenager who's already starting to show signs of Alzheimer's.  Just kidding.  Ha.  So just in case anyone is wondering what I'm gonna do for THE REST OF MY LIFE.....well....I'm still figuring it out, and if you ask me 5 years from now it'll probably be the same answer.  BUT I'm ok with that, just as long as I keep moving forward. =)


Jeremiah 29:11-14 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. ♥

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Happy Mug

Just thought I would post a picture of my "happy mug." Because it makes me happy (more so when there's chai in there). For when I've had a crap day. Or week. =)

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Mow on.

Our neighbor mows the grass a lot. We call him Mr. Zeppy, or sometimes Grampa Zeppy on Christmas cards. He's like 90 something, and yet he mows his lawn. Everyday. The thing is though, I didn't notice this until today because I've been so used to it. I also realize that most people do not mow the lawn that much. Take us, for example: We have a jungle at times. The grass will be mid-calf, and then we think about unearthing the lawn-mower from the shed. We see that the lawn-mower is deeply buried underneath tools and machine things that never see the light of day, and then we decide to put this endeavor off until the grass is up to our chins. This is an exaggeration of course (or is it?). I'm just so amazed because of the things I don’t see because I've grown so used to seeing them everyday. And I realized that I don't want to grow used to anything. I want to experience life with a child-like wonder as if everything is new. Because otherwise, life becomes boring to me, and my imagination becomes dull. I don't want that to happen. So thank you Mr. Zeppy for your dedication to mowing the lawn, because I have learned a life lesson from it. Mow on.