Saturday, January 29, 2011

Family ♥

So this weekend was my dad's birthday on the 28th. Happy Birthday Dad!! We went to visit my brother at college, so we could be together for his birthday. We went to Applebee's, and my dad got this ginormous bowl of ice cream, and of course the singing waiters (sometimes i feel a lil sorry for them...sometimes :) ) And I got these spicy meatball things, and oh man, they were spicy. I had about one and half before I gave up and drank all of my drink...and my mom's. ;) I was just writing this to say how much I love my family, 'cause they're amazing. I'm so happy God put me here, because I don't think I could be anywhere else. =)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

New Beginnings's been 2 years! =) I was just going to delete my blog and make a whole new one, but then I read them, and they brought back memories and made me laugh. (Goodness, that was a run-on english teacher would reprimand me for that one.) =) Sometimes I look on old stuff that I write, especially in my journal, and I think that I was a totally different person then. But then again, it's still me, but now, I have a little more added on: experiences, wisdom (I hope), and years. So yes those posts from forever ago will stay. :) But I am starting over with this. This post will be the first post of my new beginning. I'm doing this writing thing for me, because its easier for me to process things happening in my life when I write about them. Life seems at least a little less stressful for me if I can analyze it a little. But if someone is reading this, its not like I'm writing in a diary...well it kinda is, but its different. It'd be like if you caught your little sister reading your diary, but then you didn't really care cause it just has senseless ramblings about nothing really important to her. It's not like I'm gonna write...I love "fill in the blank" because well first I don't have a person of interest, and second, who wants to write sappy love notes all the time? seriously... well anyway, this post was completely full of rambling about nothing really, and I promise the next post will make more sense, because I won't be completely and utterly tired.